Our Programmes

This programme teaches young people to play steel pans and befriend the community through, whilst raising their self-esteem and self-worth, developing leadership, peer education, project management, and teamwork skills.
Steelpan in the community

The Environmental Awareness Project is part of the youth development programme and teaches respect, maintenance and management of the local environment in LBB Brent and surrounding boroughs.

Provides a platform for girls (12+) to develop their integrity, character, self-knowledge and self-worth, and their ability to deal with life and it's challenges.
Girlhood 2 womanhood

Young people can fuse the art of music with fencing. Here children and young people get the opportunity to learn a new and exciting sport developing coordination, balance and flexibility.
Art of fENCING

The project mission is to provide a platform where these children can develop their morality, integrity, character, self-knowledge, self-worth and their ability to deal with life and its challenges.
Leaders of Tomorrow